
I have been working as a Systems Analyst since 2017. I am passionate about physical activities and enthusiastic about technology.

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My name is Jonathan Cardoso.

I'm 21 years old. I'm an Systems Analyst.

Since the age of 12 I was already interested in codes. But the hobby was stronger and becoming a profession!

I started studying IT since 2014, with a course in Internet Computing Technician and later I'm studying SADT, both of which were not done at the IFRN.


I work as a web developer also to the business branch when the freelancer.

I worked in advertising agencies, academic institutions and development companies. And from the beginning I developing the front-end and back-end.

Always taking each obstacle as a professional learning as life experience.


Web Applications

Development using the latest technologies in the market.

SEO and Website Updates

The priority in making it accessible to search engines.

Landing Pages

Development of highly optimized pages, generating conversions for your company.

Web Hosting

Your site hosted on the best data centers. We guarantee security and stability.